Erin Russell

Mission Engineer

Employee Spotlight

What are some of the things you look forward to most in your job?

I really look forward to regularly doing hands-on technology work with the technicians and solving complex problems. I always enjoy getting to be part of the launches I support and seeing my work come to fruition as the rocket takes off!

Who are some of the industry role models you look up to?

I look up to Katherine Johnson, one of the early female NASA mathematicians, who was instrumental in the first US, manned, space missions. She worked so hard, despite everyone against her, to further the human knowledge of space while keeping people safe. She was an absolutely brilliant person and I hope to live up to that kind of determination and contribution to space science.

Why did you choose to work at Relative Dynamics?

I wanted to be up-close and integral to space exploration and space science. Here at Wallops, I get to support all kinds of scientific missions and watch my work contribute to the future of science!

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